OPTIMIZE your hormones!
JUICE up your sensuality!
BREAKTHROUGH inherited programming around aging.
EDUCATE yourself around those challenging symptoms as the body's call for nourishment and course correction.
CELEBRATE with a uniquely crafted Rite of Passage.
Join us on this journey!
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It is estimated that over 1 billion women worldwide will be menopausal by 2025. For too many of us this has been an invisible passageway where women experience a myriad of symptoms such as loss of confidence, waning sex drive, irritability, depression, trouble sleeping, fatigue, and/or health issues.
And, yet a growing number of women are embracing the opportunities that come with this portal of menopause in awakening our Sovereignty, Sensuality, and Service. Are both experiences real? Certainly, yes. What is also real is that our mindset and intentions are powerful factors in how much time we spend in either reality.
And, equally important is how much we have the support of our sisters!
Having more understanding of what is occurring hormonally in your body and mind can make the difference between dreading ‘the change’, and having it be an Initiatory Rite of Passage.
Which is why I am excited to invite you to Queenagers, a seven week course empowering you to be in your power and pleasure through this portal. This series will help set up this stage of your life for optimum for health, vitality, juiciness, contribution, and more.
• Refresh your mindset on aging: biological, psychological, and social factors
• Discover the 3 stages of menopause as keys to your transformation
• Practice the Science of Healthy Aging: harness hormonal symptoms
• Keep it juicy with pleasure practices, the portal to our feminine power
• Learn essential keys to creating robust health and physical fitness
• Cultivate “Fire and Fragrance” somatic practices to generate ageless vitality
• Be embraced inside the Red Tent Sisterhood
• Complete a rite of passage ceremony to activate your Queenager
Empower all levels of your mind, body, emotions and spirit. Ninety (90) minute zoom calls filled with education, practices, and connection. Calls will be recorded if you miss a session.
We navigate from cultural norms and stereotypes that dampen our energy and critique our beauty, to embrace the rich resources revealed through Ancient Feminine Wisdom, and embodied in the Red Tent Movement. This is a passage of the womb to be honored as a women's power and wisdom is activated anew through this gateway of menopause.
Through self-test and recommended lab tests, we will explore the 15 hormones needed to nourish our bodies for optimization. The science of healthy aging empowers us to avoid the challenges of getting older.
Our sexual energy is a source of power, confidence, and magnetism. Use it or Lose it, Sisters! Scale up with invigorating pleasure practices, resources on lubrication and sex toys, and deal with the tricky issues of relationships and dating.
Sometimes before we can fully step through this transformative portal, we are called to attend to unfinished business and areas calling for our attention. What if these symptoms and pains are the guardians of your body trying to get your attention.
Discover how diet, metabolic health, supplements, sleep, strength, flexibility, movement, and radical self acceptance can lead to further reduction of symptoms.
As we shift from our ability to create life biologically, you now step into being a Universally Creative Women. This means our womb and voice are connected, allowing access to our deepest desires and the ability to express them fully.
We heal the sisterhood wound of separation, to open a world of new possibilities. You stand in your sovereign self as a woman of Influence - you ask, you receive, you celebrate yourself. You have the power to birth a new world.
Historically, menopause has been an invisible passage. But, as a Queenager, we celebrate you - your past, your present, and your empowered future! As you begin anew - educated, enlivened, empowered, and embraced by the Sisterhood - we design an elegant ceremony worthy of your Royalty.
~~ 7 WEEKS ~~
Zoom Classes: Thursdays 3:30pm-5:00pm PST
Live Classes: Tuesdays 7:00pm-8:30pm
Call for more information on start dates.
What you get
• 7 WEEK COURSE, turbo charged with empowering education, exercises, and sisterhood connections.
• BONUS: (Value $175) One Hour Introductory Session to assess needs and goals so that Queenagers is uniquely tailored to you.
• RECORDINGS of any missed weekly session content.
Menopause, whether pre, during, or post, need not be a solitary journey. Thank you, Greta, for being our guide and offering the community of your workshop to walk us through this path no matter what stage of the journey we are in. Thank you for supporting us all in widening our lenses as we go through this transition. You lit the path so that we might step over the pitfalls and celebrate the experience and the beauty of this most important journey in every woman’s life.
Sallie H.
I am so grateful for Greta coming into my life 6 years ago as a facilitator of the Red Tent. Her compassion and grace are beyond measure. Any time that you can have the opportunity to be guided by Greta it is something to definitely say YES to. Thank you!
Mary Lou S.
Greta Grace is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Sexual Educator. She produces Red Tent Los Angeles, empowering women to embody our essential wisdom and ecstatic nature, and connect the sisterhood.
Having passed through the portal of menopause, she has harnessed lessons, resources, and gifts to bring Queenagers: An Empowering Rite of Passage for Women in Menopause to you.
This turbocharged program is a transformation journey to dispel the myths of aging, and consciously optimize our bodies, minds, and spirits in this "Second Spring" of our lives.
Her lifelong interest in love and relationships led her to a Masters' Degree in Psychology and Divinity from Fuller Seminary followed by studies in Ancient Wisdom, Feminine Empowerment, and Sacred Sexuality. Her trainings also included UCLA's Couples and Sex Training Program, Clinical Sexology with Dr. Patti Britton, Integrative Body Psychotherapy with Dr. Marjorie Rand, The Art of Conscious Loving with Charles and Caroline Muir, and Tantric Kriya Yoga with Bodhi Avinasha.
Greta worked at The La Vie Center in Pasadena for 18 years where she also served as Director of Clinical Training. Additionally, she worked as Staff Therapist at Passages Addiction Cure Center in Malibu, as well as The Center for Healthy Sex in Los Angeles. She is the creator of "Love, God & Sex" a program to support women healing from sexual shame and guilt. Greta has been serving couples, women, and men for over 30 years, and sees clients in her private practice in Mar Vista (West L.A.) and on Zoom.
When I attended my first Red Tent, I felt the synergy of body, heart, empowerment, and community coalesce inside of me on a cellular level. Something deep within me stirred and remembered… and soon thereafter, I began my own tent, Red Tent Los Angeles. For the past six years, I have held monthly moon gatherings, focused on awakening to the messages from our womb, healing the sisterhood, and supporting our sexual health and wellness.
The Red Tent is a powerful vehicle for empowerment, enrichment, and community. We share stories of the heart and we heal. We become emboldened. We heal body shame and clear barriers to pleasure, to awaken our dampened vitality and express our divine radiance. We clear the distorted messages of menstrual blood being taboo and impure, and embrace the power of this blood as sacred. We offer a initiatory moon ceremony for a girl’s first menstrual cycle, a rite of passage to bless the bride, and finally, we unwind the cultural programming of women becoming invisible as they age. We emerge as Queenagers, women of power.
Growing up in the South, in the Bible Belt, I cut my teeth on the story of Eve, the temptress. At 25, my spiritual hunger took me across the country to attend seminary. What began as initial delight quickly dimmed as I went deeper into my studies and found that the vocabulary for God - and all people - was exclusively male. I discovered that the roots of this rigid language lay in fear of women’s bodies and women’s power. As I was exposed to the vilification of women’s sexuality, a crucible of fire erupted within me, leaving my cherished beliefs in ashes. But (thank Goddess), I discovered the Divine Feminine of antiquity rising like a Phoenix from those ashes. I tapped into a vast reservoir of lost wisdom and connected with the arc of feminine lineage spanning tens of thousands of years. Needless to say, I became a feminist while in seminary and my relationship with the Goddess was born.
Due to my deep Christian imprinting, my sexual awakening happened later in life and was life changing. I began to specialize in sexual education in my psychotherapy practice, seeking to support women and couples looking for a pathway to transformational pleasure.
And then there was Menopause. When I personally crossed that ambiguous threshold, I was totally unprepared. I stood face to face with her staring into the abyss. I stumbled through the challenges of brain fog, meltdowns, sleep disturbances, and hot flashes. It was not until I listened to and developed a deeper relationship with my body that I was able to harmonize with the changes and find the opportunities that came with this powerful transition.
During the pandemic, I incubated and emerged to create an immersive experience to honor the invisible passageway of menopause.
It is with great joy that I offer Queenagers: An Empowering Rite of Passage.
Queenagers is about:
Staying juicy!
Living with pleasure!
Balancing our hormones!
Healing the sister wound!
Completing unfinished business!
Stepping into our royalty!
When we travel through these portals together, we are nourished AND resourced. Through activating the power and wisdom of the Divine Feminine, we create and birth a world that works for all! Imagine the potency of women gathering to activate and synchronize their intentions for personal, communal, and global transformation and healing!
We're all in, how about you!
Please join us!